Self-love notes

The notes2024-01-21T21:51:14+00:00

These notes are a look into the books that have helped me discover who I am and who I’d like to be. Within the pages of these books, repeated ideals on growth and self-love are buried beneath the surface. I’ve collected the most impactful ones and organized them into themed posts for you to read.

New to The Middle Chapters? I recommend starting here.

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on relationships

As long as we're capable of love, we'll be in relationships forever. Here's a few things I've had on my mind when it comes to allowing the relationships in my life to flourish.

April 3rd, 2023|

Recent Notes

on grief

May 2nd, 2022|

The older I get, the more I love and the more things I have to grieve. I'm starting to view grief a new way; one that will allow me to make room for its inevitability in my life.

on compassion

September 20th, 2021|

Do you hold higher standards for yourself than others? Or rush to berate others when you don't have all the information? One single component helps us defeat judgement and live happier.

on connection

May 8th, 2021|

Our connections to ourselves and the people we love were incredibly tested this past year. Now that we can step back and think about them, what does it really take to make these connections flourish?

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